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Christian Tracts.

Several years ago, when I was recovering from heart failure (which is a story of miracle in itself) I took to walking the streets at night praying. One night God spoke clearly to me about the idea of tract ministry - putting a tract in the letterboxes as I walked past. I went home, sat down and wrote a tract and next night started delivering them. Every year for four years I walked the whole of my area (20,000 homes) and delivered a tract to each, writing a new tract every year. I've had a break but am getting started again (now that I can walk again) so I'm writing another tract.


The cost: well nothing really. You see the government gives back 1/3 of tithes and offerings so I use that - God gets a double bite at the pie. I estimate it costs me about 8cents a tract, printed at home on a second hand commercial HP printer. Pretty cheap evangelism really.


And it keeps me reasonably fit.


One of the key things that motivated me to do this was a story I had heard about the man from George Street. If you haven't heard this story go and listen to it now.


These tracts are free to use. They are formatted to A4 paper and in MSWord. you can modify them if you like. Or maybe use them as inspiration to write your own.


Because I dont have a fancy printer I don't mind turning the pages over so unfortunately you will have to print them through twice to do front and back.


The only complaint I ever had was from the local Baptist church. One of the ministers rang to complain about the wording in one of them. He hadn't read it himself but one of his parishoners had complained to him. It "wasn't how he would like it to be said." My answer was simple - I didn't write them for a Christian audience so if Christians don't like them, then tough. If you don't like them don't use them - go and write your own. If Christians don't like them then that is irrelevant - they are not the target audience. I wrote them to try and communicate with a dying world, not with Christians.



1. The Four Keys.

Based on the 4 Spiritual Laws.


2. 3 Misconceptions.

Three objections made to Christians and why they don't hold up. (Actually there are four).


3. Have you ever Wondered?

About the question of suffering.


4. If you died tonight, would you go to Heaven?

Inspired by the story of the man from George Street.


May there be more.

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.

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