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            ABOUT ME

About me personally? I am getting long in the tooth - 60 years old this year (2013). I am still married to the same wonderful woman, Ailsa, after 33 years. She works as a teacher. While I am unable to work,in a formal sense, she is paying the bills.


We have three wonderful children who we are very proud of. They are all grown up and have flown the nest. The good thing is they all have secured university qualifications and are doing something constructive with their lives. A parent can't ask more than that.


Michael, our eldest, writes computor/phone games for a living. He is getting quite a reputation for writing games that have a bit of a challenge to them. You will find a link to his website on this website. Michael is married to Tara who has a PhD in maths and works on the staff of a university.


Stephen has a job that allows him time to follow his passion, which is writing novels. He hopes soon that one will be taken up by a publisher.


Kirsty, our youngest, works for a bank.


In my working life I have done many things - a lot of which was ordered so I could give time voluntarily to the church or Christian organisations. For a while I was a pastor.  I have a real interest in the whole area of Christian healing and have trained as a Christian counsellor and a minister of healing prayer.


The photo below is our family celebrating Michael and Tara's wedding.



Although John fought bravely after his diagnosis, sadly he passed away in November 2014. He is greatly missed, but we hope that you will enjoy delving into the "treasure" John published on this site. 


"For God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life." John 3v16


Hi. I'm John Brough. I live close to one of the most beautiful beaches in the world - in North Auckland, New Zealand!


Over the years I have done a lot of Bible study - even published a real book.


Recently I was diagnosed with a very rare and seemly incurable cancer. A bit of a shock really. The doctors have really been mystified about it as it  has broken most of the rules. However I am standing on the promises of God for healing.


As part of my seeking God about it, I have had a series of dreams. Some of these have revealed things I have needed to pray about - things from the past that, maybe, are contributing factors to the cancer. Others have been more prophetic - in the sense of guidance. In one dream I saw the Lord speaking to me (I think it was the Lord, I didn't see his face). He described how I needed to put up a website with my teaching on it - describing the sections of the website and the different methods of presentation the material had to be in. As the dream faded he impressed on me the word "Hurry." I awoke and immediately the verse came to mind, "The time is short." I don't know if this the time until the Second Coming is short (which is the original context), or if it means my time is short.


So here I am trying to learn how to set up a web site and publish on it.


This will be a growing website as I will try to publish things in completed units. Some of the material will be in book format - Ebooks and talking books. Some in the form of Bible Studies - tapes and posibly videos.


I am, at heart, a conservative, evangelical Christian. Every now and then the facts of what the Bible actually says means I have to face an question others are avoiding and take a stand that is different to other teachers. Only when the Bible forces me to do so. I hope you like the ride - I try to be honest.



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